What is being HEALTHY all about?
Why do people make such a big deal about it?
At first, this may seem like an easy question to answer.
However, when you actually stop and think about it, it's not easy at all!
Is it the number of push-ups you can do? Is it the distance you can run? Is it how well-rounded your diet is?
A lot of people don't realize how bad their diets are until they start gaining the
uninviting FATS!
Now, we are widely being exposed on how to develop a healthy lifestyle eg,exercise regularly, have a balanced diet, avoiding stress and many more..
Its actually really easy to practice all those stuff,
but it depends on our will whether to apply it or not.
But the big question here..
What about being healthy? What goods does it give you?
You guys wanna know? Lets check it out!
Having more energy is an advantage simply because
you don't find yourself slowing down at work or college,
and you even have plenty of energy left to exercise after getting back home.
Having this extra energy will prevent from making you being a couch potato
instead it makes you being active, allowing you to burn more calories.
Wanna be hot like him?
Have you ever feel tired after walking up the stairs or after jogging for a few minutes?
Well, that means that you are lacking enough stamina and maybe out of shape.
But, when you are healthy, rather than feeling all wind up after a walk up a flight of stairs
you actually feel good, and
most likely don't even notice the effort.
Great isn't?
You can even attract people by being slim!
It's never been fashionable to be overweight .
Everyone has the perception that being fat means being unhealthy.
But,with proper diet and exercise,
you maintain healthy, and look gorgeous!
Even better, finding clothes that fit properly will be easy.
You could wear anything and looks good in it.
Being slim and healthy; what else could possibly any women wants?
Hate medicines and doctors?
People who live a healthy lifestyles are more immune and do not easily get sick.
Its really easy, just avoid eating excessive fat and oily food
and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables
which can provide all the natural vitamins than our body needs.
This is absolutely good for us.
As the saying goes "an apple a day, makes the doctor away"
Of course, when you are energized, possessing a lot of stamina, slim and beautiful, and not diseased
you will be happy as a bee!
Your life will be as great as ever by being healthy!
So, whats the waiting guys,
come on, lets practice a healthy lifestyle!
Last but not least,
Before you leave this page, don't forget to SMILE! =D
Think Before You Eat !!
~Enjoy this video~
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